Top Marketing Tips for Tech Companies

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The Technology industry is ever-changing and constantly growing. Every new business seems to be set-up as a technology company, with new innovative products and services being released to the world everyday. So with all of this competition in the tech space, how are you supposed to stand out? You already know the answer…

Marketing is essential for all businesses, but tech companies in particular. Whether you're promoting and selling your own product and services, or someone's else's… marketing is key for technology companies looking to reach a wider audience and create lasting connections with customers. It is key to growing an audience, and in doing so generating new leads and customers, as well as staying in the front of your existing customer's minds.

So where to start? We've put together some top marketing tips for technology companies, who are either looking to get started with marketing or are interested in taking their sales to the next level :

Content, Content, Content!

Everyone talks about the importance of content marketing, but why? All technology companies can benefit from producing content that educates your customers on who you are, what you do and what you know, as it goes a long way in positioning your company as a thought leader.

You need to become a pro at educating your buyers on technology solutions and how these will allow them to achieve their goals and overcome obstacles. Your content shouldn't be purely focused on your company, but more so on what is interesting and educational for your audience.

You should aim to create and post a minimum of one piece of new content a week. It can be difficult to come up with new content ideas every week, so pay attention to what your audience wants and start from there. Regularly creating and sharing content won't typically drive visitors to make an immediate purchase, but it will contribute to their future purchasing decisions and attract new visitors who are interested in the topics you are focusing on in your content. 

Video Content is Key

Video marketing has quickly become one of the most important marketing strategies out there, especially for technology companies. Reports show that 80% of internet traffic this year will be video. It's as simple as this, if you're not creating or sharing video content, you're going to be in trouble. So if you haven't already, where do you start off?

The key to creating great content is to make sure that it is educational and useful for your audience. For technology companies, you will see most success with entertaining 2-3 minute tutorials showing your audience how to use your product or service, demos or 'what's trending' videos. Technology solutions can be complex and sometimes confusing to your audience, so find a way to make these complex technologies easy to understand in an enjoyable format. Simplify and delight, that's all there is to it!

It's All About Customer Case Studies

Everyone in tech knows how powerful customer case studies and reviews can be. Nothing is stronger than a recognised company saying "We've chosen this solution and we love it!". All you need to get started is a plan of action and an existing customer who is willing to work with you.

When it comes to choosing the format for your case study, video is only way to go! As we mentioned above, 80% of internet traffic is video which means it's more likely that someone is going to spend 2-3 minutes watching your video than downloading and reading a plain text case study. Additionally, video case studies give the audience a better idea of how the customer is really feeling. It can be difficult to communicate how the customer really feels in plain text, but with video you can sit back and let them tell their story to your audience. Not only are people more likely to consume video content, but it's also significantly more convincing than a text case study or review. A brilliant example is Slack's Case Study with Deliveroo: Deliveroo | Turning food delivery into a data-driven enterprise with Slack

Use Different Marketing Channels

Some of the main questions you get asked as a marketing specialist are "What platform should I be posting on?", "Is pay-per click advertising more effective than social media marketing?", "How important is my website?" or "Where am I going to get the best results, LinkedIn or Twitter?". At the end of the day, there is only ever one question that matters to tech businesses… "How do we reach the key decision makers and make the sale?". The truth is you aren't going to reach all of the people or businesses you want to reach by focusing on just one thing. You need to try out a number of marketing techniques on a combination of channels, to figure out what works best for your target market.

With some research, you can see what sites and platforms perform well in your market with certain demographics, which should inform your marketing strategy and marketing efforts. With this knowledge, you will be able to target your key decision makers on the most effective platforms. Be sure to try out a few marketing methods and channels, and most importantly measure the success of each using KPIs. From there, you can see what is or isn't working for your company, and adjust your strategy to allow you to focus more on channels that produce high returns. To simplify things, try out different marketing techniques on a combination of channels, and make sure you are paying attention to what works for your target market and what is producing high returns.

Get Familiar With Links… Right Now!

Now we know how important content marketing and trying out multiple marketing channels are, but we still haven't spoken about the wider world of link building. Google has confirmed that link building and quality content are two of the most important factors for you ranking, so what is link building all about?

It's as simple as this, the more links (inbound links which point from one site to another) you have from other websites, preferably highly-ranked websites, the more the likes of Google will recognise your site. The objective is to gain as many links as you can with other high-quality websites, and develop your own ranking in the process. So how to do this? Well it's simple, create content and contribute to other websites. For example, if you're knowledgeable on a certain technology, write an article post about it and reach out to websites that might be interested in sharing it. The more links you generate, the better your chances are to rank well on Google.

Now all that's left to do is to get out there and try these for yourself! Interested but don't have the time to do all of this? Still not sure where to start? Well Palmer Creative is here to help! We create highly effective marketing strategies for technology companies, that help transform their brands and businesses. Contact us today if you're interested in bringing your business to the next level!


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